
Portrait photography is a branch of photography in which a human face is photographed. Portrait photography is an ongoing challenge and requires the creativity of photographers to achieve truly beautiful portraits. "Portrait photography" is one of the most popular types of photography that is done by both amateur and professional photographers. This type of photography is done in personal fields such as photographing friends, family members and even the photographer himself. A professional portrait photographer takes quality photos using photographic techniques such as light, colors and composition. A portrait photo is not a snapshot, but a combination photo of a person sitting quietly and looking directly at the photographer. Since portraiture focuses more on the image of humans, a few years ago the incorrect equivalent of "single face" was coined for the word portrait, which soon became obsolete due to its lack of clarity and inappropriateness.The history of portrait photography dates back to the mid-twelfth century. At that time, people had to take pictures in an old-fashioned way using iodine and mercury vapor-sensitive silver plates, but with the advent of portrait photography, all these barriers were removed and portrait photography became very popular. In this type of portrait photography, people sit in front of a bright background and reflect the soft light shining through the window above their heads. With the passage of time and the development of various photographic equipment, the sitting time in front of the camera was reduced and even photography was done outside the studio